Why I'm Learning DSA
Jac Wynn / October 7, 2022
Data structures and Alogrithms. The 2 concepts that can be looked at differently by many software developers across the industry. Some think they aren't needed, and some swear by it. What are my thoughts on it you ask? I think having a basic understanding in this will help you become an overall better developer in the long run. If you are serious about getting better at your craft, then learning data structures and algorithms will help you achieve that goal.
How I'm doing this
Throughtout my journey of being a self taught software developer, I'd had my moments on trying to learn DSAs. I would always have this burst of motivation for whatever reason, and binge trying to learn many concepts as possible. As you may have guessed, this wasn't a good approach. After about 3-4 days on doing this, I'd find myself stuck on something and not returing to it until my next random burst of motivation. So for this time around, I want to approach it differently. I want to approach it in a way that doesn't require motivation, and in a way that ensures I really understand what I'm trying to learn. I think I'm off to good start because I'm actually writing about this (another goal I'm working on). My plan is to use only 2 resources (Books and AlgoExpert), and to learn a DSA concept each week. I'll have to plan and breakdown what those concepts are, but essentially each Sunday I want to start learning a new DSA concept. Each day throughout the week, I will spend at least 30 or more mins on either books and/or solving problems on AlgoExpert. The last thing I'm going to do is write a blog post about what I'm learning. I figured that will help reinforce what I'm trying to learn.
What I expect to get out of this
My goal for doing this is to increase my coding skills and be a more proficient software developer. I want to get better at solving problems and I want to be able to write code that is readable, maintable, and efficient.